• Question: what are neutrinos ?

    Asked by anon-214572 to Helen, Farah, Dave, Cheryl, Bastian, Alun on 11 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Dave Underhill

      Dave Underhill answered on 11 Jun 2019:

      toughie! neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles (which means they are not composed of any other particles) along with electrons and muons and quarks etc. the difference with neutrinos is that they are NEUTRal, they do not have any electric charge (unlike ELECTRons), thus they are not affected by electromagnetic forces but only by gravity and so are able to pass through matter without any interaction!! They are created in the core of stars (well any nuclear reaction really) but given that they do not interact with materials only gravity (which is its own can of worms), and their absolutely minuscule mass they are extremely difficult to study and many questions remain unanswered concerning them, such exactly what mass do they have!??

    • Photo: Cheryl Williams

      Cheryl Williams answered on 13 Jun 2019:

      Not my area, sorry 🙂
