• Question: What does science mean to you

    Asked by anon-214666 to Alun, Bastian, Cheryl, Dave, Farah, Helen on 12 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Cheryl Williams

      Cheryl Williams answered on 12 Jun 2019:

      Science is very important to me, it is important to everyone.
      Science isn’t always right…
      Scientists are always proving other theories wrong, or getting different outcomes from scientific studies.
      Science is all around us and is responsible for so many things we do, use and eat in our daily lives.
      Science can be controversial.
      I could go on and on…

    • Photo: Dave Underhill

      Dave Underhill answered on 14 Jun 2019:

      Science is fascinating, it effects every aspect of our lives, everyday of our lives – without science we wouldn’t have the computers we are using right now! Let’s just look at a mobile phone, beyond the science needed to design, build and maintain the network we connect to the physical phone is over 50% minerals which need finding, mining, refining, converting etc etc all of this is based on science! The electricity that powers our houses – science, the bricks that build our houses and schools – science, the medicines we need to keep us healthy or make us better – science – it just goes on and on!! Personally, science defines who I am, it occupies me from breakfast to bed 🙂

    • Photo: Helen Faulkner

      Helen Faulkner answered on 18 Jun 2019:

      Learning new things about the world around us and developing new treatments for diseases to make patients lives easier
